Upcoming events & happenings . . .

Click the + sign following each event title for complete event details

and registration information.


  • Focus For Leaders & Always Developing Leader have partnered with CSI’s Workforce Training and Development to provide top-notch instruction for employees and future employees. See the dates and names of the upcoming courses below.

    April 16th - Customer Service Excellence. Go HERE to register

    September 17th - Essential Skills For New Managers. Register HERE

    October 15th - Building Leadership Culture. Register HERE

  • Focus For Leaders announces a communication training series to empower speakers at all stages.

    Are you an entrepreneur/business owner or employee of any kind struggling to effectively communicate your message to your target audience? Do you find yourself struggling to powerfully phrase your message and share essential information with the public? If so, we have the solution for you. Our 5-week communication class is designed for anyone who wants to improve their ability to communicate within the workplace or anywhere.

    In this comprehensive course, we will teach you the skills necessary to powerfully phrase your message and deliver it with confidence. You will learn how to connect with your target audience, tailor your message to their needs, and effectively communicate the benefits of your product or service

    Look for more information coming soon on this page and my Facebook business page HERE

  • Individual 1-hour productivity coaching sessions to help individuals achieve more work/life balance. Strategies for setting and achieving personal and professional goals will also be trained as needed. These sessions are conducted in a coffee shop setting and scheduled for 1-3 individual for the cost of $50 each. To purchase a session click HERE.