It all started when…

Working 50 hours plus to keep up with my teaching and coaching job, I realized something had to give. That’s when I discovered the Full Focus Planner system and realized it WAS/IS possible to “win at work and succeed at life.” Using their goal achievement system I set meaningful goals to change my life. I went from a tired, out of shape teacher to a half-marathon runner in my 50’s. I reframed my life and started my coaching and training business. Now I’m using the skills of my career in education to follow my passion - equipping and empowering others to live their best life - personally and professionally. All my success started when I began using the planner’s principles to take my life back and achieve my goals. Let me help you do the same.

To accomplish our goals, we must distill our dreams into daily actions.
— Michael Hyatt, Founder of Full Focus

productivity trainings

Join me for a quarterly training on, The Power of Productivity, and learn the skills and thinking that provide agency over your life. Together we can equip you with a clear vision for the future and the skills to translate that vision into daily actions that make that vision your reality. Register for our next Workshop on the Upcoming Events page.

To register for Productivity Coaching click HERE

Here’s what one participant has to say. . .

More Than a Planner, Game-Changer

I am an agency co-founder, consultant, serial entrepreneur, and mother of a severely disabled child. By far, the largest challenge I have consistently faced is energy and time management, sacrificing in unsustainable ways for success. The Full Focus Planner has literally changed my life. Yes, really. I am a strategist and need to quantify everything. In the past 21 days, I have doubled my productivity (in a meaningful, results-driven way), been able to limit my once 12–16 hour workdays to a solid eight hours (finally hopeful I can achieve true work-life integration), and revenue projections are finally moving beyond 25 percent quarter on quarter. We are implementing the Planner for our team, and I've purchased one for every member of my immediate family. Give one quarter, put in the hour or so it takes to set it up, and give it a quarter. You will not regret it. 

— Maria J.


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